My job is to help you use your wealth to stop doing the things that you don’t want to and start doing the things that you do!
This is the Seven Sisters Country Park where I like to spend my spare time. How about you? Would you like to spend your time sailing around the Mediterranean, retire to the seaside, buy that vintage car that you have always wanted? Whatever your goals, you will need a plan to help you achieve them and that’s where I come in.
The starting point for my advice is to have an understanding of what it is you want to achieve, how much you will need financially and when. I then tailor a plan, with the aid of lifetime cash flow modelling, to show you what you need to do to get there and we work together, on an ongoing basis, to help you realise your goals.
Too many people get close to retirement before realising that they don’t have the necessary finances to enjoy the lifestyle they have worked towards. Or conversely have the money, but aren’t sure the point at which they can start spending it. If they’re not careful they’ll be too old to enjoy it! A Financial Plan is about ‘opening your eyes’ and giving you the confidence to make informed financial decisions at the right time for you.